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Working with other local members of the class, I have identified almost all of the classmates in the picture above. I may have made some mistakes, so please let me know if I did. I apologize for any errors!


Mark Jossart, Sandy Mertz Hunt, Denise Anastasio Sarto, Sue Tomm Cotner, Sue Fox Nosalik, Pam Ittner Burke, Linda Tommerup Rattle, Christine Schroth Heggeseth, Kevin Rattle, Jeanine Raffini Fassl


Vicki Seymour, Linda Kortendick Schreiber, Debbie Hess Jossart, Vicki Hall Petrovich, Pat Fellner, Paula Medzis Noll, Caroyl Williamson Long, Kathy Glines Toeppe, Terry Scott George, Cheryl Ehleiter Cuddeback, Terri Lorenzini, Julie Kovara Fuchsteiner, Janet Sabol, Patty Pfeiffer Auman, Dale Steger, Terry Sweet Tridle


Kevin Wentzel, Debra Brommer Edwards, Anita Braun Welch, Paul Graf, Sue North Graf, Lori Ecklund, Sandy Beth Jackson, Lynda Schutten, Jean Fergus Veltman, Denise Smetana Stillman, Sheila Yorgan Anderson, Kathy Wright Kremis (white/green top), Shirley Freeze Busarow, Joanne Kezman Marsch, Chuck Rogers, Linda Junge, Angel Georgian, Linda Gohde Hultman,  Maryann Isaacson Hollister, Phil Cecconie, Patricia DeFaut, John Jeanmaire, Mike Geer, Vicki Johnson Steger, Mary Burczyk


ROW 4 and 5ish: (there are not clearly defined “rows” here – they are kind of mingled together:

John Adamski, Mark Mieczkowski, Tom Hunt, Lawrence Jordan, Kathy Skow Jaeck, Tom Goff, David Hartley, Dean Johnson, Matt Buesing, Wayne Steinmetz (in black shirt behind Jean), Steve Hansen, Tom Gedemer, Frank Tasnadi, Cindy Holbus, Bill Priaulx, John Hilker, Greg Mach, Dennis Manke, Don Ellsworth, Jon Nelson, Rick Czechowicz, Scott Yocco, Sonny Richmond, Jerry Hipper, Rich Hinderholtz, Mike McNulty,  Steve Phillips,  James Larson, Bill Stearns, Dennis Roslansky, Bill Fryer, Pete Pichelman, Debra Clark Wyatt, Scott Davis, Steve Culverhouse, Keith Tridle, James Joslin?, John Anderson

NOT PICTURED: Fred Klinkhammer, Gary Lekas

CLASS OF 1970 - REUNION 2021

Pictured above are the approximately 94 members of the Class of 1970 of J.I. Case High School who celebrated Saturday evening, August 7, 2021, at the banquet at Roma Lodge.  On Friday, at the Meet-and-Greet downtown, we saw another 30 - 35 classmates who weren't able to attend on Saturday, in addition to many of those who attended Saturday. All told, we were able to celebrate with about 125-130 members of the class over the weekend! It was a great time to reconnect and to make new connections!

Thanks to Kevin Wentzel who arranged this group photo. In the days to come, we will try to get all the names of the people in the photos available to you.  Kevin also posted another 50 photos that can be found by clicking on the tab "Classmates Photo Gallery" on the yellow bar above.  Did you take photos that you'd like to share? You can post them yourself or if you'd like to send them to me, I can see that they get posted. denise.anastasio@gmail.com.  Please identify who is in the photos!

Thanks to all members of the committee for their work. Thanks to those who weren't able to come but sent a video (Myron Chorbajian and Bill Barke) or sent greetings on the website.  Most of all, thanks to the members of the class who came and made our reunion a success! 

We'll be back with more information about the photos and to ask you what you think we should plan for the future! (At least one more Beer Garden meetup will be on the calendar this year!)

Take care!

--The Reunion Committee





•   Kevin Wentzel  10/4
•   Denise Anastasio (Sarto)  9/19
•   Cynthia Holbus  8/22
•   James Larson  8/17
•   Patricia Fellner  8/1
•   Glenn Furst  7/11
•   Stephen Culverhouse  5/24
•   Debra Woiteshek (Schaefer)  5/13
•   Donald Mohr  3/13
•   Kathy Paulson (Waters Lacroix)  3/7
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
11 live in Arizona
2 live in Arkansas
12 live in California
4 live in Colorado
3 live in Delaware
18 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
15 live in Illinois
4 live in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
1 lives in Kansas
2 live in Kentucky
2 live in Louisiana
2 live in Maine
2 live in Maryland
5 live in Michigan
5 live in Minnesota
2 live in Missouri
2 live in Montana
1 lives in Nebraska
2 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
3 live in New Mexico
2 live in North Carolina
4 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oregon
5 live in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
8 live in Texas
1 lives in Vermont
3 live in Virginia
2 live in Washington
321 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Manitoba
1 lives in New Brunswick
1 lives in Australia
159 location unknown
135 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!